Monday, April 18, 2011

Life After the Orphanage

Life after a Chinese orphanage consists of many different experiences.  In Lily and Anna's case here are a few:

Saying the Pledge of Allegiance taught us by Nana.  But note that the Chinese flag is also represented.
Spring is here and it's time to do Spring cleaning on our playhouse.

Until Summer comes. it's fun to swim in the hot tub.

Anna loves to cook!  Here she is slicing onions for the salad.  Note that Anna can use a sharp knife!

Two favorite passtimes- coloring and computer games.  Lily has mastered the computer mouse.

1 comment:

Kathleen, Mia and Marika said...

Cracks me up that Lily is on the computer in her tutu swim suit. Do we expect anything less? Love you girls! Your friends Mia and Marika (P.S. and what's this about "spring is here?!")