Monday, August 10, 2009

Yep, We're Doing It Again

The most amazing thing has happened. As many of you know, the families that have adopted children from our orphanage have a very active and supportive Yahoo group. A couple of weeks ago Erin, one of the other Xuzhou mommy's, sent out an email with a picture of a beautiful little 3 1/2 year old girl. My heart skipped a beat. First, her name was so close to Lily's that I thought the post was about her. And second, the resemblance of her face made me do a double take.

I have seen this beautiful little face many times before and for many months. She’s in all the pictures of the other adoption families who have visited our orphanage. Most of the time her photo had the caption “little girl” as we couldn't identify her. We have all wondered when her family would find our group and share the news that she has found her family and will be soon going home.

Something made pick up the phone and call the agency and my friend who sent out the email. Both of them told me that another Xuzhou mommy was already looking at her file. I was crushed but happy that she had found a home. I was encouraged to reach out to the family that was reviewing her file and we talked at length about this little girl and our hopes that her dream of a family would be fulfilled.

Two days later I received an email from Robyn. It came in a 4 am. She had been up all night researching Fang Ran’s rare condition and learned that one the world leading surgeons and specialists was located in Seattle. Her email to me said “So my thoughts, hopes, and prayers are that Chu Fang Ran is meant to be your daughter. She deserves only the best medical care. After reading up on Dr. Grady I think she would definitely find it with him. Let me know what you think!" Robyn and I both felt this was a sign that she was meant to be mine and John's.

On Monday morning as I was boarding a plane to Miami for business, I locked her file. During my business trip and in between meetings , John and I had a consultation with Lily’s pediatrician (an adoption specialist) and Dr Grady, the surgeon who specializes in this rare condition.

Coincidentally Robyn, who had selflessly given up this referral in the best interest of Fang Ran and who happens to live in Florida, agreed to meet me. I had the wonderful opportunity to meet her family and spend time with Adam, her son who is from Lily’s orphanage.

I came home Thursday night and John and I spent the weekend reviewing Fang Ran’s files, researching her rare condition and looking at her pictures. By Sunday evening we made the decision and took the leap of faith to move forward. We sent in our Letter of Intent to Adopt and then waited.

When I got to work this morning, an email from our agency was waiting for us. We had been pre-approved to move forward with the adoption of Fang Ran. We are so happy and still in shock. It all happened so fast. To quote John, “Yep, we’re doing it again. Taking another little girl into our hearts and into our home. Yes, we are nuts, but nuts with more love to give.”

We are pleased to introduce our new daughter…..


Carey and Norman said...

We are so very excited for you! How fun for your family to be returning to XuZhou. We look forward to waiting with you and possibly meeting your daughter when we travel to bring our son home.

Have fun paperchasing!!

sue williams said...

Loved reading about the details of how you found each other, so many things that just fit together, not a coincidence at all, a big-o-red-thread! Isn't Robyn just an angel, too, what a connection. I look forward to your journey again, you were so kind to visit with Jia as we waited, I hope I get to return the favor this fall.


Kris said...

Pretty soon you are going to need a bigger house with more bedrooms!
Congratulations you crazy people! This is obviously your calling. Lily's life has been so enriched that I don't expect anything less for Fang Ran!

Sharing Life and Love said...

...Just cannot get enough of this...she is so beautiful and lucky---but then again, so are you all, yet again.

This is going to be quite the journey---life is never boring around these XZ families!

Jan said...

Oh, how wonderfully exciting!!!! Life is truly amazing!! Can't wait to follow along on your new journey as your family grows!! Another beautiful daughter and sister!!

Anonymous said...

How wonderful and beyond words for your growing family!! This will be Lily's sister and they will grow up together in a house full of love and joy!!
Love to all of you,
Auntie Anne

Duchess of Lanier said...

Late but most sincere congratulations to you all!
Hugs and hugs to everybody,