Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Chloe Comes for a Visit

Chloe, John's second oldest daughter, visited recently and it was a wonderful weekend.  Chloe and Anna met for the first time.  Both girls loved her and had a great time.

Chloe will be a sophomore at the University of Oregon in September.  Go Ducks!


sue williams said...

OK Pam, was it a "go Ducks" attack of the ducks, or a "Born to be Wild" face plant that got poor Lily???? It doesn't really matter, she is just adorable even with a road rash. I just love looking at the sisters, what a pair to grow up together. Give them both a big hug, we were just talking about Anna at dinner, Juni still loves to talk about her friends in "Lanta" especially, Anna.

(()) sue

Sarah said...

That is sooooooo wonderful! I'm glad you guys all had a fun visit! Miss you all!