Tuesday, May 5, 2009

What a Year It's Been!

As I was tucking Lily in tonight and singing “just one more song” with her memories of this past year filled my thoughts. Through the miracle of adoption, a year ago today Lily Mei was placed in our arms and made our family complete. A fourteen-month old infant who was too weak to sit up on her own now walks, runs, jumps, climbs, and dances. In one short year Lily has learned to chew, use a fork, spoon and knife, serve herself food, pour and drink from a cup and clear her dishes. Words and songs come easy for her and she’s constantly chattering and singing, asking questions and learning how to pronounce everything that is new in her world.

Lily has endured two major surgeries and numerous visits to the ER and her Pediatrician. She has been poked and prodded by more doctors than I can count. In the months following her open heart surgery her development has gone from woefully behind to right on target for her age. She is a kind, happy and curious child.

But what touches my heart the most is that Lily has learned to love and be loved. Tonight when she cupped my face in her hands so that I would look straight into her eyes, she melted my heart. Every time we pull into our driveway Lily says, “I am home!” and with more joy in heart than I will ever be able to explain I always reply, “Yes Lily, you are home.”


sarahthefantastic said...

Congratulations on your anniversary! You have all been through so much together and I admire your courage, especially during the times she had her surgeries. I am so glad she is well and happy and up to her age level in development already. It's always so wonderful to see what love and encouragement can do for a child. xoxo from Canada! Sarah

Duchess of Lanier said...

Happy Anniversary!
And Happy belated Birthday!
A happy gardener and a singer, too, so she can whistle while she works ;)
Thank you for your sweet comments while we were in China.
Looking forward to watching all of "our girls" grow.

Jan said...

Happy 1st Anniversary as a family!!! Beautiful post!!! It's absolutely amzing how Miss Lily has thrived especially after two major surgeries!!! So beautiful to see Lily "HOME"!!!
Pam, we wish you a Very Happy Mother's Day!!!