Sunday, August 1, 2010

Xuzhou Family Reunion, Atlanta GA

Several weeks ago several families from the US and Canada joined in Atlanta for our first Xuzhou Family Reunion.  This reunion was especially meaningful for Anna as she was reunited with friends she hadn't seen since leaving the orphanage at Christmas.  Here are a few memories of that very special weekend.

Off for Atlanta

Swimming at Trena and John's

Marika & Lily

Anna sees her orphanage friend Jaike.


Zoe reading to April & Lila Lee

Arlie, Sue, Jia, Juni

Anna & Lily

On Stone Mountain

Mark, Lisa, April, & Bennett

Anna plays with her orphanage friend April

Lily is tired and hot

Zoe is on top of the world!

At the Atlanta Aquarium

Zoe enjoys the aquarium.

Lily as mermaid.


Carey and Norman said...

You took some great photos. I loved looking at them all. We had a fabulous time and hope that we continue to meet yearly or every other year for a reunion!

So glad we met in person and were able to share stories! Anna and Lily are precious!

sue williams said...

Yeah! I keep checking for reunion updates! Good job, the photos are so priceless. I need to put some up on my blog, maybe when school starts. So happy we were able to see you all finally, and keep the girls in touch.

Love sue

Kathleen, Mia and Marika said...

I love the photos!!!! The Nelson family had so much fun. I was so happy to meet everyone there in person. Yeah for reunions!!!

sarah said...

The Girls Look Soooooooo big! I am glad to see that you guys enjoyed your trip! Give the girls my love and lots of hugs!

Kelly said...

Wow... It look like you had so much fun! It wonderful to see all the kids and families together. I'm SOOO there next time!

Anna and Lily are perfectly beautiful!

Thanks for sharing,
Kelly and Charis

Duchess of Lanier said...

Loving all your pictures! Sweet to see the different shots we all got. And isn't Zoe the most photogenic!!!
Shall we all head west next year?