Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Anna and Lily Get a Visit from the Easter Bunny

Anna and Lily were visited by the Easter Bunny on Sunday. They didn't understand what this Easter thing is all about, but they sure had fun. Baba John hid Easter eggs in the yard for them to find, much to their delight. Some of the plastic eggs contained candy and some contained clues to presents.

Nana Barbara joined us for Easter dinner that was made by Baba John. The consensus was that the scalloped potatoes were to die for.

Here are some pictures of our girls in their Easter dresses sent to them by Dick and Polly, Barbara's brother and sister-in-law.

Finding their Easter baskets

Lily helping Anna gather her Easter eggs

Lily hunting for her Easter eggs

Nana Barbara helping Lily gather her eggs

Anna and her Easter basket

Easter dinner


Jenny said...

Oh, you all look great! I love all of the smiles. It looks like you all had a wonderful day.

Love, Jenny

sue williams said...

Happy to see both sweet girls looking so delighted at being home, being together and finding candy and treasure just "there" for the taking. Can you imagine what goes through their little minds?? Hope you all are enjoying springtime and getting some much deserved rest and renewal.

Love to you all,

Sue,Arlie, Jia and Juni

sarahthefantastic said...

Love that you are doing such fun things even with the challenge of Anna's cast! It is very touching to see how you find a way around the challenges. You all look beautiful in your Easter finery too! Happy Spring!!!! xoxox Sarah

Duchess of Lanier said...

Darling happy girls... perfect new beginning for everyone. A year ago a shy little girl was smiling and trying to figure out what all the fuss was about. Now she's figuring out that it's about her! Happy spring!!!

Kathleen Nelson said...

Oooooooh!!!!! Pamela------I love all the Easter pics! I especially love the pic of Lily helping Anna with her eggs. How sweet! You all look so happy. Was so great to see you guys. Marika is especially happy she has HER friend Lily, and she won't stop talking about her :)Give the girls a big hug and kiss from us...Kathleen, Mia and Marika