What a difference 11 months makes. Lily is now speaking full sentences, singing songs, parroting expressions, and walking around with that beautiful smile on her face. She has a positive impact on everyone who comes in contact with her. She is a very bright ray of sunshine in our lives!
And now she's an onion gardener!
Is this the way you do it Daddy?
What a doll she is, and you are so right, what a difference 11 months in a home can make. SO happy for you all. Enjoyed the photos so much!
Her story is so lovely and it just keeps getting better. You are all so brave to get through the surgery and now you can really enjoy the progress she can make with such loving parents. It is inspiring to hear about all her new developments and discoveries. Glad she's a garden girl already! We are still waiting for some warmer weather, and then hopefully we'll be enjoying dirt too! Happy Spring planting! xoxo Sarah and YaYa
ps. Love the three ponytails. They are super cute! : )
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